The Catalyst 11.9 WHQL driver adds support for some DisplayPort panels in AMDs Stereo API HD3D and apart from that is not very spectacular. It installed without a hitch on my freshly set-up Phenom II system coming from the 11.8 WHQL and features a nice list of improvements with regard to functionality and bugfixes rather than performance improvements. Those seem to be reserverd for the 11.10 driver as the preview version made available for the Battlefield 3 Beta (did I mention it already?) brings some of them along with a few new GUI elements, namely in the Overdrive, CrossfireX and Information Center sections. But first things first.
Official Catalyst 11.9 WQHL
Up until now, you could go over to AMD's official download-site as well, but they've made some changes to it so that you can (or „have to“) run an auto detect program in order to determine the downloads most suitable for you. This auto detection tool is about 268 kB in size and is available here. For those of you preferring to make your own choices, you can go to AMDs other official site or use these links to the Catalyst 11.9 WHQL driver files.
- Catalyst 11.9 WHQL (Windows XP, 32 Bit)
- Catalyst 11.9 WHQL (Windows XP, 64 Bit)
- Catalyst 11.9 WHQL (Windows 7/Vista, 32 Bit)
- Catalyst 11.9 WHQL (Windows 7/Vista, 64 Bit)
- Catalyst 11.8 (!) WHQL Application Profiles Cap4 (all OS)
Note for Windows 7 users: For the first time, AMD requires as per release notes an installed Windows 7 Service Pack 1 officially in order for the Catalyst drivers to work. The release notes for Catalyst 11.8 did not mention it, so I am fairly certain that this is a new requirement.
Here are the version numbers for AMDs Catalyst 11.9 WHQL, indicating that the driver has been put together on september 14th while the Catalyst/Vision Engine Control Center is five days older. AMDs developer site has a driver out already that supports OpenGL 4.2 but the official 11.9 WHQL still is at OpenGL 4.1. The OpenGL 4.2 extension are all reporting basically nothing yet.
- Catalyst Version 11.9
- Open GL ICD
- Direct3D Driver
- 2D Driver
- OpenCL Driver 732.1
- CAL-Driver 1.4.1546 (VM)
- Catalyst Control Center 2011.0908.1355.23115
- Packaging 8.892-110914m-125030CC-ATI
Having available a platform qualifying for AMD CPU Overdrive for the first time, I've put the feature to the test. Since my board refrains from booting when I change CPU multiplier or even voltage, AMDs CPU Overdrive seems like a godsend to me not wanting to fiddle around with third-party tools. First, you have to run Auto-Tune in order to determine available clock levels. It raises the multiplier of my Phenom II X4 975 BE in half-steps, each incrementing upping the clock rate 100 MHz from 3,6 GHz base. There's one little problem here: In order to make those levels available for CPU Overdrive, you need to press stop in the Auto-Tune and then reboot the PC - that means, you cannot let it run automatically because eventually the frequency will be too high and the PC crashes, forcing you to run Auto-Tune again.
After being through this procedure, I've found that the little window popping up when Auto-Tune starts, is actually telling the truth (well, mostly) when informing about the voltage level for my 45nm-CPU. From a default 1,43ish volt it is raised straight to 1,55 volts with CPU-z reporting even higher. This is a little bit too high for my taste, especially when you're explicitly told you're voiding your warranty when using CPU Overdrive. AMD should improve CPU Overdrive to work with lower voltage levels in the future.
The list of fixed bugs, performance enhancements and new features include:
- AMD HD3D support enhancement
- Enables AMD HD3D technology support on DisplayPort panels, such as Samsung 750 and 950 series 3D displays.
- Enables existing Stereo 3D displays, such as the Viewsonic V3D241wm-LED monitor and 3D projectors.
- Resolved issues under Windows 7
- Stalker – Call of Pripyat no longer hangs randomly when launching a new game or opening a previously saved game.
- Scaling options are now correctly displayed when connecting a Digital monitor to the Display port on some video cards.
- The following games no longer experience random hangs during game loading :
- Call of Duty – Black Ops
- F1 2010
- Dungeon Siege 3
- The following games no longer hang intermittently during gameplay:
- Battlefield - Bad Company 2
- Borderlands
- Dead Rising 2
- The following games no longer hangs while running the benchmark :
- Serious Sam 2
- Resident Evil 5
- Hawx 2
- Hawx 2 no longer displays random flashing black pixels
- Flashing pixel corruption is no longer experienced while playing F1 2010 and Dirt 2
- The Windows Event Log no longer reports unwanted Distributed DCOM errors.
- Negative Crossfire Scaling is no longer occasionally observed while playing EarthSim 2, Battlefield – Bad Company 2 , Metro and Hawx
- Video corruption is no longer observed while playing full screen HD WMV format files using PowerDVD with Windows Aero Mode turned off.
- Blank video playback is no longer observed when hardware accelerations is enabled in VLC 1.1.10
- Dawn of War II – Retribution no longer exhibits a black screen when alt-tabbing in and out of the game
- Random display corruption is no longer observed when playing WMV format files using Windows Media Player
- City of Heroes no longer experiences stuttering after excessive use if in-game Anti-Aliasing slider
Catalyst 11.10 Preview
This driver, according to AMD, does the following in order to optimize your Battlefield 3 Beta experience:
- Improves performance in Battlefield 3 Open Beta release for both non-Anti-Aliasing, and application enabled Anti-Aliasing cases on the AMD Radeon HD 6000 and AMD Radeon HD 5000 Series for single GPU configurations
- Improves performance in Battlefield 3 Open Beta release for both non-Anti-Aliasing, and application enabled Anti-Aliasing cases on CrossFire configurations using the AMD Radeon HD 6000 and AMD Radeon HD 5000 Series
- Enables support for Eyefinity 5x1 display (portrait and landscape) configurations using the AMD Radeon HD 6000 and AMD Radeon HD 5000 Series
- Vision Engine Control Center: User Interface enhancements have been implemented for the CrossfireX, GPU Overdrive, and Information Center pages.
- Catalyst Version 11.10
- Open GL ICD
- Direct3D Driver
- 2D Driver
- OpenCL Driver 775.2
- CAL-Driver 1.4.1589 (VM)
- Catalyst Control Center 2011.0923.2225.38371
- Packaging 8.901-110923a-125918E-ATI
Background and useful links regarding AMD Catalyst drivers
1. AMD App SDK 2.5
If you are into open standards as AMD is, you should try installing the AMD App SDK 2.5 formerly known as Ati Stream SDK. OpenCL 1.1 conformance is assured by AMD for basically all DirectX 11 conformant Radeons, meaning from the HD 5400 series up to the HD 6900 series with the exception of HD 6700 series which includes some renamed Juniper-based SKUs as well as the Barts salvage part HD 6790. Also - and quite curiously - the HD 6990, which with it's two-GPU-power of over 5 TFLOPS would be quite a nice computing device, is not supported as of the list posted on August 3rd 2011 but finally, HD 5970 is supported in Dual-GPU mode. Beta support for OpenCL 1.0 is available for Radeon HD 4890, 4870 X2, 4870, 4850 X2, 4850, 4830, 4770, 4670, 4650, 4550, 4350. The general support in the Stream SDK 2.5 is true as well for the corresponding FirePro and Radeon Mobility variants. Since version 2.3 AMD is supporting their Fusion-APUs C- and E-series in OpenCL as well as the Radeon HD 6900 based on the Cayman chip. Starting with App SDK 2.5, double precision calculations are finally supported via cl_khr_fp64 extension - as of August 3rd 2011 for Cypress-based GPUs only.
As of this writing, the most recent version of AMDs APP SDK still is the previously released version 2.5.
- AMD APP SDK 2.5 Windows 7/Vista x86
- AMD APP SDK 2.5 Windows 7/Vista x64
- AMD APP SDK 2.5 Linux x86 (openSUSE 11.x, Ubuntu 11.04, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.x)
- AMD APP SDK 2.5 Linux x64 (openSUSE 11.x, Ubuntu 11.04, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.x)
The installed applications and tools include the APP profiler in version 2.3 and the Kernel Analyzer, which has just been updated to version 1.9. The release notes can be found as PDF on AMDs site; a blog entry from AMD highlights some more points of this APP-SDK release 2.5:
Please note, that as of this driver release, AMD has yet to unlock the use of their 64 kiB on-chip Global Memory for inter-SIMD communication with a separate OpenCL extension in order to unleash the full potential of their GPUs. GPU-Computing programmers will have to take this limitation into account for their work. As you may have noticed, separate versions for Windows XP are no longer offered and the footnote on AMDs developer website that indicated XP support still being included in the 32 and 64 Bit installers respectively has disappeared. That seems to complete the discontinuance for Windows XP support in the APP SDK.Please note that the requirements for Linux versions have change also. For Ubuntu and Redhat you need versions 11.04 and 6.x respectively.
2. Archived Drivers
For the bug-ridden of you who might need to roll back to earlier Catalyst versions AMD has support pages up and running with archived Catalyst drivers from version 8.10 (yes, October 2010 that is) untill the most recently relieved ones.
- Archived Catalyst Drivers for Vista/7 x86 (8.10 - 11.8)
- Archived Catalyst Drivers for Vista/7 x64 (8.10 - 11.8)
- Archived Catalyst Drivers for XP x86 (8.10 - 11.8)
- Archived Catalyst Drivers for XP x64 (8.10 - 11.8)
3. Radeon HD series with AGP interface - Hotfix awaits
Also, there's the special page for the AGP-versions of the drivers. As of this writing, the most recent listed catalyst version there is 11.8, but 11.9 is on their servers nonetheless and here are the links:
- Catalyst 11.9 AGP-Hotfix (Windows XP x86)
- Catalyst 11.9 AGP-Hotfix (Windows XP x64)
- Catalyst 11.9 AGP-Hotfix (Windows 7/Vista x86)
- Catalyst 11.9 AGP-Hotfix (Windows 7/Vista x64)
4. 10.2 Legacy Driver for Radeon 9500/9700 series to X1950 series
For all you brave souls hanging onto your trusty Radeon 9x00, X300, X550, X600, X700, X8x0, X1K, X2100 and Radeon Xpress integrated graphics, there's little hope. Sometimes, when the stars' constellations are aligned just right, a new driver for the officially no longer supported graphics chipsets is spawning at the following sites:
- Catalyst Legacy-Drivers for X1K and older cards for Vista/7 x86 (currently: 10.2)
- Catalyst Legacy-Drivers for X1K and older cards for Vista/7 x64 (currently: 10.2)
- Catalyst Legacy-Drivers for X1K and older cards for XP x86 (currently: 10.2)
- Catalyst Legacy-Drivers for X1K and older cards for XP x64 (currently: 10.2)
Overview about supported standards and functionality
And now for the „ added value”, I am promising to deliver. Here's the supported standards and tech for most of the recent desktop Radeon cards - something that's not very well documented on the web, not to speak of being crammed into one single place. Over the course of the next few days, I will try and rework this into a more reader friendly form - bear with me, if you see broken formatting inbetween.
Radeon | GPU | APIs | Double Precision | Fused Multiply-ADD | Triangle-Setup |
HD 6990, HD 6970, HD 6950 | Cayman (OpenCL: Cormorant) |
DirectX 11 (Compute Shader 5.0, 4.1, 4.0) and lower OpenGL 4.1 OpenGL ES 2.0 OpenCL 1.1 AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing (short APP formerly known as Ati Stream, HD 6990 not officially supported yet) |
Yes, 1/4th of SP speed | Yes, full speed | Double speed |
HD 6870, HD 6850, HD 6790 | Barts (OpenCL: Buzzard) |
DirectX 11 (Compute Shader 5.0, 4.1, 4.0) and lower OpenGL 4.1 OpenGL ES 2.0 OpenCL 1.1 AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing (short APP formerly known as Ati Stream) |
No | Yes, 4/5th of SP speed | Full speed |
HD 6770, HD 6750 |
Juniper (renamed from HD 5700 for OEMs) |
DirectX 11 (Compute Shader 5.0, 4.1, 4.0) and lower OpenGL 4.1 OpenGL ES 2.0 OpenCL 1.1 AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing (short APP formerly known as Ati Stream) |
No | Yes, 4/5th of SP speed | Full speed |
HD 6670, HD 6650 |
Turks | DirectX 11 (Compute Shader 5.0, 4.1, 4.0) and lower OpenGL 4.1 OpenGL ES 2.0 OpenCL 1.1 AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing (short APP formerly known as Ati Stream) |
No | Yes, 4/5th of SP speed | Full speed |
HD 6450 | Caicos | DirectX 11 (Compute Shader 5.0, 4.1, 4.0) and lower OpenGL 4.1 OpenGL ES 2.0 OpenCL 1.1 AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing (short APP formerly known as Ati Stream) |
No | Yes, 4/5th of SP speed | Quarter speed |
HD 5970, HD 5870, HD 5850, HD 5830 |
Cypress | DirectX 11 (Compute Shader 5.0, 4.1, 4.0) and lower OpenGL 4.1 OpenGL ES 2.0 OpenCL 1.1 ( HD 5970 in single GPU-mode only) AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing (short APP formerly known as Ati Stream) |
Yes, 1/5th of SP speed | Yes, 4/5th of SP speed | Full speed |
HD 5770, HD 5750 |
Juniper | DDirectX 11 (Compute Shader 5.0, 4.1, 4.0) and lower OpenGL 4.1 OpenGL ES 2.0 OpenCL 1.1 AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing (short APP formerly known as Ati Stream) |
No | Yes, 4/5th of SP speed | Full speed |
HD 5670, HD 5650, HD 5570 |
Redwood | DirectX 11 (Compute Shader 5.0, 4.1, 4.0) and lower OpenGL 4.1 OpenGL ES 2.0 OpenCL 1.1 AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing (short APP formerly known as Ati Stream) |
No | Yes, 4/5th of SP speed | Full speed |
HD 5450 | Cedar | DirectX 11 (Compute Shader 5.0, 4.1, 4.0) and lower OpenGL 4.1 OpenGL ES 2.0 OpenCL 1.1 AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing (short APP formerly known as Ati Stream) |
No | Yes, 4/5th of SP speed | Half speed |
HD 4890, HD 4870 (X2), HD 4850 (X2), HD 4830, HD 4730 |
RV790, RV770 |
DirectX 10.1 (Compute Shader 4.1, 4.0) and lower OpenGL 3.2 OpenGL ES 2.0 OpenCL 1.0 AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing (short APP formerly known as Ati Stream) |
Yes, 1/5th of SP speed | No | Full speed |
HD 4770 | RV740 | DirectX 10.1 (Compute Shader 4.1, 4.0) and lower OpenGL 3.2 Open GL ES 2.0 Open CL 1.0 AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing (short APP formerly known as Ati Stream) |
Yes, 1/5th of SP speed | No | Full speed |
HD 4670, HD 4650 |
RV730 | DirectX 10.1 (no Compute Shader!) and lower OpenGL 3.2 OpenGL ES 2.0 OpenCL 1.0 AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing (short APP formerly known as Ati Stream) |
No | No | Full speed |
HD 4550, HD 4350 |
RV710 | DirectX 10.1 (no Compute Shader!) and lower OpenGL 3.2 OpenGL ES 2.0 OpenCL 1.0 AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing (short APP formerly known as Ati Stream) |
No | No | Unknown |
HD 3870 (X2), HD 3850 (X2) |
RV670 | DirectX 10.1 (no Compute Shader!) and lower OpenGL 3.2 OpenGL ES 2.0 no OpenCL, AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing (short APP formerly known as Ati Stream) |
Yes, 1/5th of SP speed | No | Unknown |
HD 3650 | RV635 | DirectX 10.1 (no Compute Shader!) and lower OpenGL 3.2 OpenGL ES 2.0 no OpenCL AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing (short APP formerly known as Ati Stream) |
No | No | Unknown |
HD 3470, HD 3450 |
RV615 | DirectX 10.1 (no Compute Shader!) and lower OpenGL 3.2 OpenGL ES 2.0 no OpenCL AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing (short APP formerly known as Ati Stream) |
No | No | Unknown |
HD 2900 XT, HD 2900 Pro, HD 2900 GT, HD 2900 OEM |
R600 | DirectX 10 (no Compute Shader!) and lower OpenGL 3.2 OpenGL ES 2.0 no OpenCL AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing (short APP formerly known as Ati Stream) |
No | No | Unknown |
HD 2600 XT, HD 2600 Pro |
RV630 | DirectX 10 (no Compute Shader!) and lower OpenGL 3.2 OpenGL ES 2.0 no OpenCL AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing (short APP formerly known as Ati Stream) |
No | No | Unknown |
HD 2400 XT, HD 2400 Pro |
RV610 | DirectX 10 (no Compute Shader!) and lower OpenGL 3.2 OpenGL ES 2.0 no OpenCL AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing (short APP formerly known as Ati Stream) |
No | No | Unknown |
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