The highlights of this Catalyst 11.7 WHQL release are certainly, that all remaining issues with mouse cursor lag have been resolved, as AMD states on their release notes website (attached as archive to this article) as well as resolving the system hangs with certain displays connected via DP and HDMI - something which a hotfix driver did in the meantime. On the downside though, AMD seems to have problems getting OpenGL to run reliably with Photoshop CS5 and rotating images there. Also, Crossfire seems to cause random corruption in Crysis 2 run in DX9-mode - but who would do that anyway?
Other changes include mainly video playback issues or functions associated with AMD's Steady Video feature, on which I've already reported:
- Bluray playback using PowerDVD 10 under High Performance mode no longer randomly displays a blank screen.
- Bluray playback using PowerDVD 10 under High Performance mode no longer randomly hangs.
- Some Divx format files no longer display video corruption using WinDVD.
- AVIVO Video Quality settings are now correctly applied to Flash Video Content.
- AMD SteadyVideo is now applied to Home Video clips when using WinDVD 10.
- Random screen corruption is no longer displayed when changing desktop themes.
- Video playback now works correctly when Hardware acceleration is enabled with VLC Player version 1.1.9.
- Crossfire now functions correctly when playing Hamiltons Great Adventure.
- Video corruption is no longer observed when when using the Forward slider on 720P Divx format video clips using Windows Media Player and Windows Media Center.
- PowerDVD now correctly handles 3D Bluray content.
- Image stabilization now functions correctly when playing Divx content using Windows Media Player.
- Wraparound corruption is no longer displayed intermittently after exiting a 3D application.
- Catalyst Version 11.7
- Open GL ICD
- Direct3D Driver
- 2D Driver
- Catalyst Control Center 2011.0707.2346.40825
- Packaging 8.872-110707b-122569C-ATI
The whole list of improvements is posted over at AMD's release notes website (in zipped format attached in case the URL moves). As always you can go over to AMD's official download-site or use the links below - they might work or not though:
- Catalyst 11.7 WHQL (Windows XP, 32 Bit)
- Catalyst 11.7 WHQL (Windows XP, 64 Bit)
- Catalyst 11.7 WHQL (Windows 7/Vista, 32 Bit)
- Catalyst 11.7 WHQL (Windows 7/Vista, 64 Bit)
- Catalyst 11.7 WHQL Application Profiles Cap1 (all OS)
The 11.7 CAP1 is an add-on which normally only updates Crossfire-profiles in order to make new games work with the expensive setups of AMDs premium audience or improve behaviour for games already released. In case of 11.7 CAP1, in addition to the advertised image quality improvements for Hydrophobia Prophecy and Rise of Flight, AMDs Andrew Dodd, also known as CatalystCreator on Twitter, who's in charge of the Catalyst Software Team, posted recently on the mentioned micro-blogging service, that this package would include also optimizations for Crossfire operation for Battlefield 3, which currently is in the closed alpha test and for which performance numbers already leaked.
As it seems to become a tradition with AMD to release previews of future driver developments, they've made available an early version of Catalyst 11.8. The corresponding knowledgebase article lists some pretty cool speed improvements for DirectX 11 games and MLAA, AMD post-processing filter (not only) for games that refuse to work with standard anti-aliasing. Crysis 2 in DX11 mode is supposed to gain up to 10 percent of performance across the whole range of Radeon HD 5000 and 6000 cards; all those cards are also to gain up to 8 percent in Fear 3 run in DirectX 11 mode with application anti-aliasing enabled. If you happen to like MLAA, gains of up to 30 percent (in some cases even more) await! Probably, since at least Crysis 2 also uses some kind of post processing AA, AMD was able to improve the kernel launch and execution time for the corresponding compute shaders or something like that - normally though, you won't see such broad ranges of speed improvements over two whole families of cards. You can download Catalyst 11.8 Preview right here.
*Even though it's officially only for Windows 7 64 Bit, at least the filesize suggests, that it might be a complete package, including support for Windows 7 32 Bit and the respective Vista versions as well - just like preview drivers did in the past.
Background and useful links regarding AMD Catalyst drivers
1. AMD App SDK 2.5
If you are into open standards as AMD is, you should try installing the AMD App SDK 2.5 formerly known as Ati Stream SDK. OpenCL 1.1 conformance is assured by AMD for basically all DirectX 11 conformant Radeons, meaning from the HD 5400 series up to the HD 6900 series with the exception of HD 6700 series which includes some renamed Juniper-based SKUs as well as the Barts salvage part HD 6790. Also - and quite curiously - the HD 6990, which with it's two-GPU-power of over 5 TFLOPS would be quite a nice computing device, is not supported as of the list posted on August 3rd 2011 but finally, HD 5970 is supported in Dual-GPU mode. Beta support for OpenCL 1.0 is available for Radeon HD 4890, 4870 X2, 4870, 4850 X2, 4850, 4830, 4770, 4670, 4650, 4550, 4350. The general support in the Stream SDK 2.5 is true as well for the corresponding FirePro and Radeon Mobility variants. Since version 2.3 AMD is supporting their Fusion-APUs C- and E-series in OpenCL as well as the Radeon HD 6900 based on the Cayman chip. Starting with App SDK 2.5, double precision calculations are finally supported via cl_khr_fp64 extension - as of August 3rd 2011 for Cypress-based GPUs only.
- AMD APP SDK 2.5 Windows 7/Vista x86
- AMD APP SDK 2.5 Windows 7/Vista x64
- AMD APP SDK 2.5 Linux x86 (openSUSE 11.x, Ubuntu 11.04, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.x)
- AMD APP SDK 2.5 Linux x64 (openSUSE 11.x, Ubuntu 11.04, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.x)
The installed applications and tools include the APP profiler in version 2.3 and the Kernel Analyzer, which has just been updated to version 1.9. The release notes can be found as PDF on AMDs site; a blog entry from AMD highlights some more points of this APP-SDK release 2.5:
- Kernel launch times have been further reduced.
- The LLVM compiler version used for OpenCL kernels has been upgraded.
- Includes support for use of SSE3 and SSE4.
- Added support for partial use of FMA4 and XOP instructions.
- It is no longer necessary to use the -fno-alias compiler command line option.
- PCIe transfer overhead has been reduced under Linux.
- Transfers between CPUs and GPUs are improved for buffers declared with either the CL_MEM_USE_HOST_PTR or the CL_MEM_ALLOC_HOST_PTR flag.
- For APUs, zero copy buffers created as CL_MEM_ALLOC_HOST_PTR | CL_MEM_READ_ONLY offer improved GPU read performance.
- The runtime supports multi-GPU, including simultaneous use of the GPU on both and APU and a discrete GPU on systems running under Windows.
- OpenCL built-in functions leverage AVX on capable CPUs
- Support for PowerExpress 4.0.
- Support for atomic counters for discrete GPUs.
- Support for headless GPU operation.
- OpenCL can be used by a Windows service.
- UVD3 / MPEG-2 support.
- The clFFT library supports radix 3 and radix 5, including support for mixed radix 2/3/5.
- The BLAS library supports the D/S SYRK, D/S SYR2K, D/S GEMV, D/S SYMV functions.
- The FP64 extension is supported for the ATI Radeon HD 5900 and 5800 series, as well as the AMD FirePro V8800 and V8700 series.
- gDEBugger 6.0 extension is available for Visual Studio.
- Starting with Catalyst 11.8, improved runtime features appear regularly in the monthly Catalyst releases for Windows.
- Kernel Analyzer 1.9 supports Catalyst releases 11.4 to 11.7.
- APP Profiler provides
- Improved API trace.
- Improved timeline visualization
- Support for analyzing OpenCL Application trace.
- Thread ID and sequence number now are included in the profile output.
2. Archived Drivers
For the bug-ridden of you who might need to roll back to earlier Catalyst versions AMD has support pages up and running with archived Catalyst drivers from version 8.10 (yes, October 2010 that is) untill the most recently relieved ones.
- Archived Catalyst Drivers for Vista/7 x86 (8.10 - 11.6)
- Archived Catalyst Drivers for Vista/7 x64 (8.10 - 11.6)
- Archived Catalyst Drivers for XP x86 (8.10 - 11.6)
- Archived Catalyst Drivers for XP x64 (8.10 - 11.6)
3. Radeon with AGP interface - Hotfix awaits
Also, there's the special page for the now inofficial AGP-versions of the drivers. God knows why they're not worthy of a WHQL-sign any more (my guess it's cost-related ).
- Catalyst 11.7 AGP-Hotfix (Windows XP x86)
- Catalyst 11.7 AGP-Hotfix (Windows XP x64)
- Catalyst 11.7 AGP-Hotfix (Windows 7/Vista x86)
- Catalyst 11.7 AGP-Hotfix (Windows 7/Vista x64)
4. 10.2 Legacy Driver for Radeon 9500/9700 series to X1950 series
For all you brave souls hanging onto your trusty Radeon 9x00, X300, X550, X600, X700, X8x0, X1K, X2100 and Radeon Xpress integrated graphics, there's little hope. Sometimes, when the stars' constellations are aligned just right, a new driver for the officially no longer supported graphics chipsets is spawning at the following sites:
- Catalyst Legacy-Drivers for X1K and older cards for Vista/7 x86 (currently: 10.2)
- Catalyst Legacy-Drivers for X1K and older cards for Vista/7 x64 (currently: 10.2)
- Catalyst Legacy-Drivers for X1K and older cards for XP x86 (currently: 10.2)
- Catalyst Legacy-Drivers for X1K and older cards for XP x64 (currently: 10.2)
Overview about supported standards and functionality
And now for the added value, I am promising to deliver. Here's the supported standards and tech for most of the recent desktop Radeon cards - something that's not very well documented on the web, not to speak of being crammed into one single place. Over the course of the next few days, I will try and rework this into a more reader friendly form - bear with me, if you see broken formatting inbetween.
Radeon HD 6990/6970/6950 (Cayman based):
DirectX 11 (Compute Shader 5.0, 4.1, 4.0) and lower,
OpenGL 4.1
OpenGL ES 2.0
OpenCL 1.1 (OpenCL Codename Cormorant)
AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing, short APP (formerly known as Ati Stream), HD 6990 not yet officially supported
Double Precision at 1/4th speed
FMA at full speed
Triangle-setup at double speed
OpenGL 4.1
OpenGL ES 2.0
OpenCL 1.1 (OpenCL Codename Cormorant)
AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing, short APP (formerly known as Ati Stream), HD 6990 not yet officially supported
Double Precision at 1/4th speed
FMA at full speed
Triangle-setup at double speed
Radeon HD 6870/6850/6790 (Barts based):
DirectX 11 (Compute Shader 5.0, 4.1, 4.0) and lower,
OpenGL 4.1
OpenGL ES 2.0
OpenCL 1.1 (OpenCL-codename Buzzard)
AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing, short APP (formerly known as Ati Stream)
No Double Precision Support
FMA at 4/5th speed
Triangle-setup at full speed
Radeon HD 6770/6750 (Juniper based, renamed for OEM usage): OpenGL 4.1
OpenGL ES 2.0
OpenCL 1.1 (OpenCL-codename Buzzard)
AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing, short APP (formerly known as Ati Stream)
No Double Precision Support
FMA at 4/5th speed
Triangle-setup at full speed
DirectX 11 (Compute Shader 5.0, 4.1, 4.0) and lower,
OpenGL 4.1
OpenGL ES 2.0
OpenCL 1.1
AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing, short APP (formerly known as Ati Stream)
No Double Precision Support
FMA at 4/5th speed
Triangle-setup at full speed
Radeon HD 6670/6650 (Turks based): OpenGL 4.1
OpenGL ES 2.0
OpenCL 1.1
AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing, short APP (formerly known as Ati Stream)
No Double Precision Support
FMA at 4/5th speed
Triangle-setup at full speed
DirectX 11 (Compute Shader 5.0, 4.1, 4.0) and lower,
OpenGL 4.1
OpenGL ES 2.0
OpenCL 1.1
AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing, short APP (formerly known as Ati Stream)
No Double Precision Support
FMA at 4/5th speed
Triangle-setup at full speed
Radeon HD 6450 (Caicos based): OpenGL 4.1
OpenGL ES 2.0
OpenCL 1.1
AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing, short APP (formerly known as Ati Stream)
No Double Precision Support
FMA at 4/5th speed
Triangle-setup at full speed
DirectX 11 (Compute Shader 5.0, 4.1, 4.0) and lower,
OpenGL 4.1
OpenGL ES 2.0
OpenCL 1.1
AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing, short APP (formerly known as Ati Stream)
No Double Precision Support
FMA at 4/5th speed
Triangle-setup at 1/4th rate
Radeon HD 5970 (Cypress based): OpenGL 4.1
OpenGL ES 2.0
OpenCL 1.1
AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing, short APP (formerly known as Ati Stream)
No Double Precision Support
FMA at 4/5th speed
Triangle-setup at 1/4th rate
DirectX 11 (Compute Shader 5.0, 4.1, 4.0) and lower,
OpenGL 4.1
OpenGL ES 2.0
OpenCL 1.1 (single-gpu mode only)
AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing, short APP (formerly known as Ati Stream) Double Precision at 1/5th speed
FMA at 4/5th speed
Triangle-setup at full speed
Radeon HD 5870/5850/5830 (Cypress based): OpenGL 4.1
OpenGL ES 2.0
OpenCL 1.1 (single-gpu mode only)
AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing, short APP (formerly known as Ati Stream) Double Precision at 1/5th speed
FMA at 4/5th speed
Triangle-setup at full speed
DirectX 11 (Compute Shader 5.0, 4.1, 4.0) and lower,
OpenGL 4.1
OpenGL ES 2.0
OpenCL 1.1
AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing, short APP (formerly known as Ati Stream)
Double Precision at 1/5th speed
FMA at 4/5th speed
Triangle-setup at full speed
Radeon HD 5770/5750 (Juniper based): OpenGL 4.1
OpenGL ES 2.0
OpenCL 1.1
AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing, short APP (formerly known as Ati Stream)
Double Precision at 1/5th speed
FMA at 4/5th speed
Triangle-setup at full speed
DirectX 11 (Compute Shader 5.0, 4.1, 4.0) and lower,
OpenGL 4.1
OpenGL ES 2.0
OpenCL 1.1
AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing, short APP (formerly known as Ati Stream)
No Double Precision Support
FMA at 4/5th speed
Triangle-setup at full speed
Radeon HD 5670/5650/5570 (Redwood based): OpenGL 4.1
OpenGL ES 2.0
OpenCL 1.1
AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing, short APP (formerly known as Ati Stream)
No Double Precision Support
FMA at 4/5th speed
Triangle-setup at full speed
DirectX 11 (Compute Shader 5.0, 4.1, 4.0) and lower,
OpenGL 4.1
OpenGL ES 2.0
OpenCL 1.1
AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing, short APP (formerly known as Ati Stream)
No Double Precision Support
FMA at 4/5th speed
Triangle-setup at full speed
Radeon HD 5450 (Cedar based): OpenGL 4.1
OpenGL ES 2.0
OpenCL 1.1
AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing, short APP (formerly known as Ati Stream)
No Double Precision Support
FMA at 4/5th speed
Triangle-setup at full speed
DirectX 11 (Compute Shader 5.0, 4.1, 4.0) and lower,
OpenGL 4.1
OpenGL ES 2.0
OpenCL 1.1
AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing, short APP (formerly known as Ati Stream)
No Double Precision Support
FMA at 4/5th speed
Triangle-setup at half rate
Radeon HD 4890/4870/4850/4830/4730 (RV770/790 based): OpenGL 4.1
OpenGL ES 2.0
OpenCL 1.1
AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing, short APP (formerly known as Ati Stream)
No Double Precision Support
FMA at 4/5th speed
Triangle-setup at half rate
DirectX 10.1 (Compute Shader 4.1, 4.0) and lower,
OpenGL 3.2
OpenGL ES 2.0
OpenCL 1.0
AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing, short APP (formerly known as Ati Stream)
Double Precision at 1/5th speed
Triangle-setup at full speed
Radeon HD 4770 (RV740 based): OpenGL 3.2
OpenGL ES 2.0
OpenCL 1.0
AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing, short APP (formerly known as Ati Stream)
Double Precision at 1/5th speed
Triangle-setup at full speed
DirectX 10.1 (Compute Shader 4.1, 4.0) and lower,
OpenGL 3.2 OpenGL ES 2.0
OpenCL 1.0
AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing, short APP (formerly known as Ati Stream)
Double Precision at 1/5th speed
Triangle-setup at full speed
Radeon HD 4670/4650 (RV730 based): OpenGL 3.2 OpenGL ES 2.0
OpenCL 1.0
AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing, short APP (formerly known as Ati Stream)
Double Precision at 1/5th speed
Triangle-setup at full speed
DirectX 10.1 (no Compute Shader though) and lower,
OpenGL 3.2
OpenGL ES 2.0
OpenCL 1.0
AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing, short APP (formerly known as Ati Stream)
No Double Precision Support
Triangle-setup at full speed
Radeon HD 4550/4350 (RV710 based): OpenGL 3.2
OpenGL ES 2.0
OpenCL 1.0
AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing, short APP (formerly known as Ati Stream)
No Double Precision Support
Triangle-setup at full speed
DirectX 10.1 (no Compute Shader though) and lower,
OpenGL 3.2
OpenGL ES 2.0
OpenCL 1.0
AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing, short APP (formerly known as Ati Stream)
No Double Precision Support
Radeon HD 3870/3850 (RV670 based): OpenGL 3.2
OpenGL ES 2.0
OpenCL 1.0
AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing, short APP (formerly known as Ati Stream)
No Double Precision Support
DirectX 10.1 (no Compute Shader though) and lower,
OpenGL 3.2
OpenGL ES 2.0
no OpenCL
AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing, short APP (formerly known as Ati Stream)
Double Precision (at 1/5th speed)
Radeon HD 3650 (RV635 based): OpenGL 3.2
OpenGL ES 2.0
no OpenCL
AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing, short APP (formerly known as Ati Stream)
Double Precision (at 1/5th speed)
DirectX 10.1 (no Compute Shader though) and lower,
OpenGL 3.2
OpenGL ES 2.0
no OpenCL
AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing, short APP (formerly known as Ati Stream)
No Double Precision Support
Radeon HD 3470/3450 (RV615 based): OpenGL 3.2
OpenGL ES 2.0
no OpenCL
AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing, short APP (formerly known as Ati Stream)
No Double Precision Support
DirectX 10.1 (no Compute Shader though) and lower,
OpenGL 3.2
OpenGL ES 2.0
no OpenC
L AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing, short APP (formerly known as Ati Stream)
No Double Precision Support
Radeon HD 2900 XT/Pro/GT/OEM (R600 based): OpenGL 3.2
OpenGL ES 2.0
no OpenC
L AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing, short APP (formerly known as Ati Stream)
No Double Precision Support
DirectX 10 (no Compute Shader though) and lower,
OpenGL 3.2
OpenGL ES 2.0
no OpenCL
AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing, short APP (formerly known as Ati Stream)
No Double Precision Support
Radeon HD 2600 XT/Pro (RV630 based): OpenGL 3.2
OpenGL ES 2.0
no OpenCL
AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing, short APP (formerly known as Ati Stream)
No Double Precision Support
DirectX 10 (no Compute Shader though) and lower,
OpenGL 3.2
OpenGL ES 2.0
no OpenCL
AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing, short APP (formerly known as Ati Stream)
No Double Precision Support
Radeon HD 2400 XT/Pro (RV610 based): OpenGL 3.2
OpenGL ES 2.0
no OpenCL
AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing, short APP (formerly known as Ati Stream)
No Double Precision Support
DirectX 10 (no Compute Shader though) and lower,
OpenGL 3.2
OpenGL ES 2.0
no OpenCL
AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing, short APP (formerly known as Ati Stream)
No Double Precision Support
OpenGL 3.2
OpenGL ES 2.0
no OpenCL
AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing, short APP (formerly known as Ati Stream)
No Double Precision Support
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